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Requirements for warehouse establishment : There are generally two warehouses: auxiliary material warehouse (constant temperature warehouse) and finished product warehouse (constant temperature warehouse). For pharmaceutical enterprises producing blood products, there will also be a cold warehouse with a temperature of minus 30 degrees. This type of warehouse needs to meet the national GMP standards and the inspection standards of the relevant national health and drug supervision departments. There is a strict process from stock-in, inspection request, sampling, inspection, release, re-inspection and ex-warehouse.

Basic information maintenance

(1) Dictionary maintenance : maintenance of dictionary information such as packaging form and UoM

(2) Basic material information maintenance : maintain the basic material information and synchronize it to the weighing system, LMIS system, etc

(3) Department information maintenance : company department basic information maintenance

(4) Employee information maintenance : company employee information maintenance

(5) Customer information maintenance : customer master data maintenance

(6) Supplier information maintenance : supplier master data maintenance

Stock-in management

(1) Finished goods stock-in : maintain the finished goods stock-in information and generate the stock-in task

(2) Material stock-in : enter purchase receipt information from NC, maintain stock-in information, and generate stock-in task

(3) Finished goods return : maintain the finished goods return information and generate the stock-in task

(4) Material return : maintain the material return information, generate a stock-in task, and synchronously push it to the NC system

Stock-out management

(1) Finished goods shipment : synchronize the sales stock-out document information from the NC system, enter the stock-out information, and generate the stock-out task

(2) Material stock-out : material stock-out information maintenance

(3) Special stock-out of materials : stock-out unqualified materials and generate stock-out tasks

(4) Special stock-out of finished products : stock-out unqualified finished products and generate stock-out task

(5) Finished product sampling stock-out : maintain the finished product sampling stock-out document and generate the stock-out task

(6) Material sampling stock-out : maintain the material sampling stock-out document and generate an stock-out task

(7) Sample collection stock-out : maintain the sample stock-out document and generate the stock-out task

(8) Material picking list : maintenance of workshop picking list

(9) Material picking list approval : workshop picking list approval, rollback and maintenance

(10) Material picking list query : picking list information query

Quality inspection management

(1) Finished product inspection application form : information maintenance of finished product preliminary inspection and re-inspection application form

(2) Material inspection request : maintain the information of material preliminary inspection and re-inspection request

(3) Printing of finished product inspection application form : printing of finished product inspection application form

(4) Print the material inspection request : print the material inspection request document

(5) Inspection document : maintain the information of the preliminary inspection and re-inspection inspection documents of finished materials

(6) Finished product release note : maintain the finished product release note information, which can also be synchronized from the LMIS system

(7) Material Release Note : maintain the material release note information, which can also be synchronized from the LMIS system

(8) Finished goods return processing document : information maintenance of finished goods return processing document

(9) Non-conformance processing document : information maintenance of unqualified materials and finished goods return processing documents

Query statistics

(1) Query of near expiry date : make statistics of the inventory information of materials and finished products close to expiry date and expired by stages

(2) Finished product warehouse card query : finished product warehouse card information query

(3) Finished product batch number query : finished product batch information query

(4) Finished goods location details query : finished goods location inventory details query

(5) Finished product operation log query : finished product stock-in/stock-out operation log query

(6) Finished goods return record : finished goods return record query

(7) Finished product sampling record : query finished product sampling record

(8) Material number query : material number inventory query

(9) Material location details query : material location inventory details query

(10) Material operation log query : material stock-in/stock-out operation log query

(11) Query of material warehouse card : query of material stock-in/stock-out warehouse card information

(12) Query location status : display location status information in plan view

Report management

(1) Finished goods stock-in/stock-out account : generate stock-in/stock-out account report based on time and other information

(2) Warehousing finished product account : query and statistics of finished product warehousing records

(3) Product sales records : query statistics of finished product sales records

(4) Qualified product report : qualified finished product query statistics

(5) Nonconforming product report : query and statistics of nonconforming finished products

(6) Report of products to be inspected : query and statistics of finished products to be inspected

(7) Monthly statistical report of finished products : summarize and count the finished products' receipt and delivery records, and generate a monthly report

(8) Annual statistical report of finished products : summarize and count the finished products' receipt and delivery records, and generate an annual report

(9) Incoming Material General Ledger Report : Incoming Material General Ledger Query Statistics

(10) Material to be inspected report : query and statistics of materials to be inspected

(11) Qualified material report : qualified material query statistics

(12) Nonconforming Material Report : Query and Statistics of Nonconforming Materials

(13) Material card report : summarize and count the material receipt and delivery records, and generate the location card report

(14) Monthly material statistics report : summarize and count the material receipt and delivery records, and generate a monthly report

(15) Annual material statistical report : summarize and count the material receipt and delivery records, and generate an annual report

(16) National Bureau Inventory : generate inventory reports according to the format requirements of the National Bureau Office, which can be exported to EXCEL

(17) Stock-in of National Bureau : generate stock-in report according to the format requirements of National Bureau Office, which can be exported to EXCEL

(18) National Bureau Sales : generate sales reports according to the format requirements of the National Bureau Office, which can be exported to EXCEL

(19) Finished product stock-in record : generate finished product stock-in record report according to the format requirements of the State Administration Office, which can be exported to EXCEL

(20) Operation and dispatch record : generate the operation and dispatch record report according to the format requirements of the State Administration Office, which can be exported to EXCEL

(21) Special drug delivery record : generate special drug delivery record report according to the format requirements of the State Administration Office, which can be exported to EXCEL

(22) Material purchase record : the material purchase report is generated according to the format requirements of the National Bureau Office and can be exported to EXCEL

(23) Purchase record of special drug raw materials : the purchase report of special drug raw materials can be generated according to the format requirements of the State Administration Office, and can be exported to EXCEL