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Medical Security

WeChat platform: the release of policies related to medical insurance, including basic medical care, supplementary medical care, serious illness medical care and resident medical care. It is divided into list and detail pages in the form of card list. The main display elements of the list page are: icon, title, release time, and reading volume. The main display elements of the detail page are: title, text (in the form of pictures and text), release time, reading volume, likes, and cancel likes.

Network service platform: according to the business characteristics of the network service platform, the medical insurance network service platform is divided into two subsystems and interface services: the background management subsystem, the terminal system in front of the portal, and the background interface services:

(1) Background management subsystem: It is provided to the internal background staff of the Medical Security Bureau to operate through the PC, and used for the background staff to configure the basic information and interface information of the relevant platform.

(2) The terminal system in front of the portal: the portal platform service is provided externally. The link area of the medical insurance subsystem configures the access channels of each medical insurance subsystem in order. The configured medical insurance subsystem includes but is not limited to "Wujiang medical insurance unit electronic business hall", "institution online office", "personal service center", "verification zone", etc., in which "institution online office" provides online office services for institutions, The "personal service platform" provides medical insurance public information query and personal medical insurance information query for medical insurance participants, and the "verification zone" provides external verification services for medical insurance related certificates.

(3) Background interface service: provide service support for the "online office of institutions" in the front end of the portal.