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The system realizes the whole process management of materials, semi-finished products and finished products from purchase to production to sales, and further realizes the whole process interaction with Kingdee ERP to reduce the repeated entry of documents.

Procurement management:

(1) Material receipt: Synchronize the receipt notice from ERP, conduct different receipt operations for different materials according to the permissions, and push the receipt data to ERP after receipt and stock-in.

(2) Cancel the orders: scan the stock-in order, return the corresponding stock-in materials, and push the return results to ERP.

Production management:

(1) Production order: the production order information is synchronized from ERP, and each department and workshop carries out corresponding conversion operation on the production order.

(2) Production material picking: each department and workshop carries out their own material picking operation, and pushes the picking information to ERP.

(3) Stock-in after completion: stock-in the semi-finished products and finished products produced, and push the stock-in information to ERP.

(4) Production material return: return the materials for multiple picking and stock-in, and push the stock-in information to ERP.

(5) Subcontracting order: synchronize the subcontracting order information from ERP, perform the subcontracting picking operation, and push the picking information to ERP.

Sales management:

(1) Sales delivery: synchronize the delivery notice from ERP, perform the sales delivery operation, and push the delivery order data to ERP.

(2) Sales return: return the returned finished products into the warehouse, and push the stock-in information to ERP.

Warehouse management:

(1) Transfer: transfer materials, semi-finished products and finished products, and push the transfer data to ERP.

(2) Other stock-in: perform other stock-in operations for materials, semi-finished products and finished products, and push other stock-in data to ERP.

(3) Other stock-out: perform other stock-out operations for materials, semi-finished products and finished products, and push other stock-out data to ERP.

(4) Inventory: inventory of materials, semi-finished products and finished products, and push inventory data to ERP.

(5) Inventory management: inventory query statistics.

(6) Stock-out/Stock-in log: stock-out/stock-in query statistics.

Basic information management:

(1) Material information management: synchronize the basic material information from the ERP system, or modify the material information and add sub-material information according to your own conditions.

(2) Warehouse information management: synchronize the warehouse system from the ERP system and maintain the basic information of the warehouse location.

(3) Supplier information management: synchronize supplier information from ERP, or maintain supplier information in WMS system.

(4) Customer information management: synchronize customer information from ERP, or maintain customer information in WMS system.

(5) Report Design: The system provides a customized report design tool, and supports the export of Excel, Word, PDF and other text formats.